Walk the Way

with the Artisans, Vanderbilt and Aykroyd

Medieval music, poetry and prose inspired by the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela

Saturday 10 September 2011 • 7.30pm
Stewart's Hall, Huntly (map)

Texts and Translations

Cantiga 100: Santa Maria Strela do dia

Santa Maria,
Strela do dia,
mostra-nos via
pera Deus e nos guia.

Ca veer faze-los errados
que perder foran per pecados
entender de que mui culpados son;
mais per ti son perdoados
da ousadia
que lles fazia
fazer folia
mais que non deveria,
Santa Maria...

Amostrar-nos deves carreira
por gaar en toda maneira
a sen par luz e verdadeira
que tu dar-nos podes senlleira;
ca Deus a ti a
e a querria
por ti dar e daria.
Santa Maria...

Guiar ben nos pod' o teu siso
mais ca ren pera Parayso
u Deus ten senpre goy' e riso
pora quen en el creer quiso;
e prazer-m-ia
se te prazia
que foss' a mia
alm' en tal compannia.
Santa Maria...

Mary, magnified be,
with Daystar beside thee;
show the way where bide we
true to God and thou our guide be.

For thou art light that lost souls driven
near perdition, e'er with sin ill striven,
know that they with guilt sore riven stand;
but through thee are forgiven
and from their pride free
where they ne'er idly
let passion denied be
but did all sense defied see.
Blessed Maria...

Thou canst reveal to us wayfaring
paths to tread in grace full sharing
to peerless Light, the truth declaring,
that thou alone art graced in bearing;
for God would abide thee
and all provide He
but ne'er thee denied see
nor for thee grace e'er belied be.
Blessed Maria...

Well for us thy wisdom guiding
till in Paradise abiding
where God all joy and mirth providing
ever those in him confiding;
then would my joy descried be
shouldst thou but deign provide me
that rest on high beside thee
my soul where doth abide He
Blessed Maria...

Cantiga 160: Quen boa dona

Quen bõa dona querrá
Loar, lo'a que par non á,
Santa Maria

E par nunca ll' achára,
Pois que Madre de Deus foi já,
Santa Maria

Pois Madre de Deus foi já,
E Virgen foi e seerá.
Santa Maria

E Virgen foi s seerá;
Porende cabo del está.
Santa Maria

Poren cabo del está,
U sempre por nos rogará.
Santa Maria

U por nos lle rogará
E del perdon no gãará
Santa Maria

E perdon nos gãará
E ao demo vencerá
Santa Maria

E o demo vencerá.
E nos consigo levará.
Santa Maria

If you would praise a virtuous lady,
Praise the one who has no peer.
Holy Mary

You will never find her peer,
Since she was the mother of God.
Holy Mary

Since she was the mother of God
And was ever and will be a virgin.
Holy Mary

She was and ever will be a virgin
And so she sits at His side.
Holy Mary

And so she sits at His side
Where she will ever plead for us.
Holy Mary

Where she will plead to Him for us
And win mercy for us.
Holy Mary

And she will win mercy for us
And defeat the devil.
Holy Mary

And she will defeat the devil,
And take us with her [to heaven].
Holy Mary

Mariam Matrem

Mariam Matrem Virginem,
attolite Ihesum Christum extollite concorditer.

Maria seculi asilum defende nos.
Jhesu tutum refugium exaudi nos.
Iam estis nos totaliter diffugium,
totum mundi confugium realiter.
Mariam Matrem...

Jhesu suprema bonitas verissima.
Maria dulcis pietas gratissima.
Amplissima conformiter sit caritas
ad nos quos pellit vanitas enormiter.
Mariam Matrem...

Maria facta saeculis salvatio.
Jhesu damnati hominis redemptio.
Pugnare quem viriliter per famulis
percussus duris iaculis atrociter.
Mariam Matrem...

Praise Mary, Virgin Mother,
Honour with her Jesus Christ.

Mary, shelter of mankind, defend us,
Jesus, refuge all of us, hear us.
Now you are our whole protection,
Truly a refuge for the whole world.
Praise Mary...

Jesus, supreme and truthful good.
Mary, sweet and most gracious kindness.
May your charity be as full to us
As the world's vanity compels
Praise Mary...

Mary was the salvation for all,
Jesus the redeemer for the damned.
Fighting ardently for their followers,
Bearing hard beatings and blows.
Praise Mary...

Annua Gaudia

Annua gaudia
Jacobe debita
sunt tibi danda

Organa dulcia
sunt resonanda

Et tua celica
facta perhennia
sunt reseranda

Hec quoque splendida
secla per omnia
sunt memoranda

Tam pia tam bona
tam rata dogmata
sunt imitanda

Hec sacra commoda
florida fulgida
sunt adamanda

Fitting sounds of joy
O James, must be raised
to you yearly

Sweet sounds of music
fit for your feast
must sound out

And your heavenly
deeds must ever
be revealed

These splendours
must through the ages
be remembered

Such good, such holy
such fine doctrines
must be followed

These sacred precepts
should be adored

Nostra Phalans

Nostra phalans plaudet leta
hac in die qua athleta
Christi gaudet sine meta
Jacobus in gloria

Angelorum in curia

Quem Herodes decollavit
et idcirco coronavit
ilum Christus et ditavit
in celesti patria

Cujus corpus tumulatur
et a multis visitatur
et per illud eis datur
salus in Gallecia

Ergo festum celebrantes
ejus melos decantantes
persolvamus venerantes
dulces laudes Domino

Let our throng applaud with joy
this day, when the athlete
of Christ rejoices without measure
glorious James

In the court of the angels

He whom Herod beheaded
he was crowned
by Christ and was rewarded
in the kingdom of heaven

He whose body was entombed
is visited by multitudes
and by his body healing
is given in Galicia

And so celebrating this feast
discanting his songs
we offer with veneration
sweet praises to the lord

Inperayritz de la Cuitat Joyosa

Inperayritz de la ciutat joyosa
de paradis ab tot gaug eternal
neta de crims de virtutz habundosa
mayres de Dieu per obra divinal
verges plasen ab fas angelical
axi com sotz a Dieu molt graciosa
placaus estar als fizels piadosa
preyan per lor al Rey celestial.

Rosa flagran de vera benenanca
fons de merce jamays no defallen
Palays d'onor on se fech l'alianca
de deu e d'om per nostre salvamen
E fo ver dieus es hom perfatamen
ses defallir en alcuna substanca
E segons hom mori senes dubtanca
e com ver dies levech del monimen.

Flor de les flor dolca clement et pia
l'angel de dieu vesem tot corrocat
e par que dieus lamandat qu'ens alcia
don ell es prest ab l'estoch affilat.
Donchos placa vos quell sia comandat
qu'estoyg l'estoch e que remes nos sia
tot fallimen tro en lo presen dia
ens done gaug e patz e sanitat.

Empress of the joyous city of paradise,
Happiness is eternal,
purified of sin, rich in virtues,
Mother of God, by divine wish;
pleasing Virgin with angelic face,
because you are so gracious in God’s eyes,
have pity on the faithful, pious one,
praying for them to the celestial king.

Fragrant rose of true goodness,
source of virtues which never failed.
Palace of honour, where the alliance was made,
between God and man, for our salvation.
Who saw God become a perfect man
without any failing,
and who later saw men dead, without doubt,
and yet saw God arise in the tomb.

Flower of flowers, sweet, merciful and pious,
whom God's angel saw kneeling
and whom God ordered to rise and go
where he is ready with a raised sword.
Let it be your will that he is ordered
not to raise the sword, and that our failings
may be forgiven to the present day,
and that we may receive joy, peace and health.

Alleluya vocavit Jhesus

Jhesus vocavit Jacobum Zebedei
et Johannem fratrem Jacobi
et imposuit eis
nomina Boanerges
quod est filii tonitrui

Jesus called James, the son of Zebedee
and John, the brother of James
and gave them
the name Boanerges
which means Sons of thunder

Los Set Gotxs

Los set gotxs recomptarem
et devotement xantant
humilment saludarem
la dolce verge Maria.

Ave Maria gracia plena
Dominus tecum Virgo serena

Verge fos anans del part
pura e sens falliment
en lo part e prés lo part
sens negun corrumpiment.
lo fill de Déus Virge pia
de vós nasque verament.
Ave Maria...

Verge tres reys d'Orient
cavalcant amb gran corage
al l'estrella precedent
vengren al vostré bitage.
offerint vos de gradage
aur et mirre et encenç.
Ave Maria...

Verge estant dolorosa
rer la mort del Fill molt car
romangues tota joyosa
can lo vis resuscitar.
a vos mare piadosa
prima se volch demostrar.
Ave Maria...

Verge lo quint alegratge
que'n agues del fill molt car
estant al munt d'olivatge
Al cell l'on vehes puyar.
On aurem tots alegratge
Si per nos vos plau pregar.
Ave Maria...

Verge quan foren complitz
los dies de pentecosta
Ab vos eren aunits
los apostols et de costa.
Sobre tots sens nuylla costa
devallà l'espirit sant.
Ave Maria...

Verge'l derrer alegratge
que'n agues en aquest mon
vostre Fill ab gran coratge
vos munta al cel pregon.
On sots tots temps coronada
regina perpetual.
Ave Maria...

Tots donques nos esforcem
en aquesta present vida
que peccats foragitem
de nostr' anima mesquina.
E vos dolce Verge pia
vullyats nos ho empetrar
Ave Maria...

I shall tell you of the seven joys
and devoutly sing,
and humbly praise
the sweet Virgin Mary.

Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord be with you, serene Virgin

Virgin, you came forth
Pure and without fault
during your labour and after it
you remained without corruption;
The Son of God, pious Virgin
was truly born of you,
Hail Mary...

Virgin, three Kings from the Orient,
riding with great courage,
following the star,
came to your dwelling,
and offered you gifts
Of gold, myrrh and incense
Hail Mary...

Virgin, having been grieved
by the death of your beloved son,
your joy was restored,
when you saw him rise again.
To you, merciful mother,
would I pray
Hail Mary...

Virgin, the fifth joy
that you received from your beloved son
happened on the Mount of Olives,
when you saw him ascend to Heaven.
We shall all be joyful
if you will pray for us.
Hail Mary...

Virgin, when were accomplished
the days of Pentecost,
you were together
with the apostles and others.
Over all, freely,
came the Holy Spirit.
Hail Mary...

Virgin, the last joy
Is not found in this world;
Your courageous son
will take you to Heaven
where you will remain crowned for all time,
perpetual queen.
Hail Mary...

Thus let us all endeavour
In this earthly life
To expel sins
from our miserable souls
And you, sweet holy Virgin
help us in our prayers
Hail Mary...

Ad Superni

Ad superni regis decus
qui continet omnia
celebremus leti tua
Iacobe, sollempnia

Secus litus galilee
contempsisti propria
sequens Christum predicasti
ipsius imperia

Tu petisti iuxta Christum
tunc sedere nescius
sed nunc sedes in cohorte
duodena alcius

Prothomartir duodenus
fuisti in patria
primam sedem duodenam
possides in gloria

Fac nos ergo interesse
polo absque termino
ut mens nostra regi regum
benedicat domino

To the jewel of the supernal king
who contains all things
we happily celebrate
your feast, James

From the Galilean shore
you scorned worldly things
Following Christ, you foretold
his kingdom

You sought to be near Christ
without understanding him
but now you sit in the cohort
of the twelve on high

You were the first martyr
of the apostles in your land
you hold in glory
the first seat of the twelve

Lift us, therefore
To the eternal heavens
That our mind may bless
the King of Kings, the Lord

Cuncti Simus Concanentes

Cuncti simus concanentes Ave Maria.

Virgo sola existente en affuit angelus
Gabriel est appelatus atque missus celitus.
Clara facieque dixit: Ave Maria.
Cuncti simus...

Clara facieque dixit: audite karissimi.
En concipies Maria, Ave Maria
Cuncti simus...

En concipies Maria, audite karissimi.
Pariesque filium, Ave Maria
Cuncti simus...

Pariesque filium audite karissimi
Vocabis eum Ihesum, Ave Maria
Cuncti simus...

Let us all sing together: Hail Mary

As the Virgin was alone, lo an angel appeared.
He is called Gabriel and is sent from Heaven.
Radiant he said:
Hail Mary...

Radiant he said, hear most beloved,
Lo you shall conceive, Mary:
Hail Mary...

Lo you shall conceive Mary, hear most beloved,
You will bear a son:
Hail Mary...

You will bear a son, hear most beloved
You will call him Jesus:
Hail Mary...

The Artisans

Huntly Writers

New Words

Blue Salt

Deveron Arts

Brander Library

Orb's Bookshop


Enterprise Music Scotland

Gordon Forum for the Arts

Aberdeenshire Council

North East Writers

Promoted by Huntly Writers and Music Centeral as part of New Words 2011, North-East Scotland's festival of new writing in performance.

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