David Smith

(harpsichord, organ and recorder)

Thursday 27 January 2011 • 7.30pm
Huntly Cairnie Glass Church, Huntly (map)

Tickets £8.00, £5.00 (concession), free (schoolchildren)
available from Deveron Arts, Brander Library, Orb's Bookshop, Rizza's shop, or at the door

A Life in Music: the Travels of Peter Philips

David Smith

Take a journey through Europe with the composer Peter Philips, for whom 2011 marks the 450th anniversary of his birth. Hear keyboard music that was composed at various points in his life. We begin in London, where he was a chorister at St Paul's Cathedral, before moving to Rome, where he stayed for three years. Then he travelled Europe with a new patron before freelancing in Antwerp and becoming embroiled in espionage... finally we end up at the Archducal Court in Brussels, where he became organist.

The concert will be interspersed with contrasting music by his Italian contemporary Ascanio Mayone, Scottish traditional tunes played on recorder, and glittering improvisations on the organ.

A performer on organ, harpsichord and recorder, until recently David Smith lived in Forgue, near Huntly. He specialises in early English and Flemish keyboard music, and has published a complete edition of Peter Philips' keyboard music for the scholarly series Musica Britannica. He is a keen improviser, and often includes improvised pieces in his recitals in a wide variety of styles. He is currently Acting Head of Music at the University of Aberdeen, where he directs King's College Chapel Choir.

Deveron Arts

Brander Library

Orb's Bookshop


Enterprise Music Scotland

Gordon Forum for the Arts

Aberdeenshire Council


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